This past week, Oregon defense attorneys have been passing around an article from Slate regarding the justice system in Oregon. The article focuses on statewide statistics regarding disporportionate incarceration and police contacts and puts the blame squarely at the feet of the locally elected prosecutors – pointing the spotlight on Josh Marquis (Clatsop County), Bob …
Attacking Reasonable Efforts – Assessment and Disposition
Every DHS case begins with notification to the agency by an individual that is concerned about the safety of a child. If the case is not closed at screening, then the assessment process begins. The assessment is started before any party steps into court, so it is important to determine if the agency has made …
New Legislation Granting Additional Rights to Grandparents
On January 1, 2014, grandparents were granted the following additional rights in dependency cases: From the beginning of the case, DHS is required, and has an ongoing obligation, to make diligent efforts to identify and obtain contact information for the grandparents of a child or ward committed to the Department’s custody. DHS shall give the …